Tennis Coaching
We aim to provide players of all ages and level a rewarding and enjoyable tennis experience, where the coaching is serious but fun in an environment that is beautiful and relaxing.
Finding the right level
To ensure maximum progress and compatibility, participants are divided, where possible, into groups according to approximate standard and age. Below is a guide to selecting your level. Please note we do check your level during our courses so please don't worry!
Beginner - new to tennis or very limited experience
Improver - You can serve and rally in the full court but need help with technique on most of your shots. You will be able to take part in a basic rally.
Intermediate - You have a more complete set of shots than an improver. You can hit shots with increased placement and apply spin. You will typically play on a regular basis in the summer months and perhaps played in a few competitive matches.
Upper Intermediate - You play regularly throughout the year and are probably a member of a tennis club or tennis league. You have a good understanding of technique with a wide range of shots at your disposal. You play competitive matches in singles or doubles.
Advanced - You will be hitting with more power, spin and control than an Upper Intermediate player. You understand the different game styles and can adapt during a competitive match situation. You can rally, attack, defend, neutralise or counter-attack as required. You play competitive tennis.
The tennis programmes
The Jonathan Markson tennis group courses aim to improve a players' game in every area whilst maintaining a high level of enjoyment. There is attention to fitness as well as technique, so that technical progress is underpinned by the ability to get into the right position for every shot. The programme will include some competitive play for most players.
Camp vs. Holiday tennis programmes
- The tennis programme at our UK Tennis Camps runs for 5 hours per day.
- The tennis programme at most our International Tennis destinations runs for upto 3 hours per day (normally mornings). Please check the tennis programme for your venue of interest before booking.
Video feedback
In our Camps and Clinics we offer the opportunity for players to have video analysis (on request with Head Coach). Your coach will focus on a particular shot to help you visualise what you are doing and the changes you need to make.